If chaos provides the possibility for something to emerge. How do you get out of the mud…?




And still the questions surrounding us – like glass, thick and translucent but no sound – frozen in time. Imagine we won´t be able to move our eyes, open, frozen, stuck in time we will be witnessing forever and ever. The crimes of humanity, not the big ones but every day. Impossible to look at the people under our feet, we cannot move our head nor our gaze. Frozen in time. Stuck in a story which repeats itself again and again.


Until the skin rips off like ripe grapes. And just when you think you’ve seen enough, seen it all – it starts again, and it ends with you walking on this unstable surface. When the sun shines and the clouds are reflected on this smooth surface you can pretend that the invisible forces under your feet don’t exist. Until you make another step and silence surrounds you and darkness embraces your body, frozen in time, stuck in the next step you want to take,

Your skin smoothly falling of like ripe grapes. Cold - your skeleton in the darkness stands. Your heart pounding under your feet. Still pounding, still living, alive.


And all these questions alive. Alive. Alive. Until it all starts anew. Step by step you walk on these gazes, but you know if you stop and look too closely you will never continue. Stuck in time, frozen to death but always – alive.